Monday, June 25, 2012

Thanks Pinterest: Those Darn Magazines!

If ever there was a thorn in my side...  it was the various magazines and periodicals that I try to house in my classroom library.  I have been saving them for as long as I've been in fourth grade to hopefully stumble upon a way to display them that works.  After seeing this idea on Pinterest, I knew that idea had finally come. 

Oh happy day!

Original idea/source:

Teaching 2.0

When I first came into the field, reinventing the wheel was an everyday task.  Since then, we've got Twitter, Facebook, and of course, Pinterest. Sharing and collaborating with other teachers has become easier than ever, and our teaching is better for it.   I've had my website up and running for eight years now, and I've always loved to share my resources with other people.  After being on Pinterest I realized the way I was sharing has become outdated.  So many teachers that I've met along the way have helped my teaching and my classroom that I want to give back in return.  

As for me, I love technology, literacy and making things look fabulous. Teaching is a lot like advertising these days, we sell knowledge to kids who are hopefully willing to buy it. Here's to the best profession in the world. 

Teaching never looked so good.